2019 Nat Finals

Bei den National Finals waren unsere beiden Challenge Teilnehmer Will Clark und Lee Huxley am Start.

Nur Will hatte noch die Möglichkeit, Punkte zu sammeln, da Lee in Pod das Festival of Power als sein 3. Rennen wählte.
Durch heftigen Regen musste das Rennen nach der ersten Elimination abgebrochen werden.
Will unterlag seinem Gegner Guy King und konnte seinen Punktestand leider nicht verbessern.

At the National Finals our two Challenge participants Will Clark and Lee Huxley were at the start.
Only Will still had the opportunity to earn points as Lee in Pod chose the Festival of Power as his 3rd race.
Due to heavy rain, the race had to be stopped after the first elimination.
Guy King defeated Will and unfortunately he could not improve his score.

Click here for the qualification list
here for the Ladder
here for the point´s calculation
and here for the Challenge Ranking